Serving the
Physical Needs
of Our Community

Request Help

The Purpose of this Ministry

The Acts of Service Ministry offers everyone at CCC the opportunity to use their spiritual gifts through acts of service for these reasons: to grow as disciples of Christ to come alongside those in need, love them, and meet their needs to provide opportunities for fellowship within the body.

Acts of Service is a connecting ministry providing safe care for those who have needs that they cannot meet themselves.

The Acts of Service Ministry offers opportunities to CCC members to use practical service to meet urgent needs:

•To grow as disciples of Christ

•To express practical love to those in need

• To build relationship and community for fellowship within the body of Christ

Do You Need Assistance?

Assistance comes in several forms:

1. We connect you with an ACTS volunteer who has skills to meet your current specific need.
2. We connect you with reliable contractors so you can get competitive bids and selecta contractor of your choosing.
3. We can provide an advocate with special skills who can come along side you and help you find solutions to your unique situation.

How this works:
To get started, click on the “Request Assistance Here” button below.  After you fill out the form, starting with personal contact information, you will then identify what you need, your information will be sent to an ACTS Manager.  You will be contacted to verify and clarify your need. A plan of action will be set in motion to meet your need.  This Advocate will be your contact person throughout the work process that may include other Volunteers. You will be making all decisions as to what work is undertaken to meet your needs.  ACTS’ role is to assist you in making a plan that you agree with, and to observe the work to reach the intended result.  When the work is finished, we would like your feedback, which will be used to help us improve ACTS of Service.

We are committed to keeping you safe. Click here to see our Safe Service Policy/guidelines.
If you have any questions about this ministry, you may email the Acts of Service Ministry at

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If any one speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11

How to Get Involved as a Volunteer

There are three places you can serve:

1. ACTS Volunteer
2. ACTS Advocate
3. ACTS Administrator / Manager

What if I could find a fulfilling ministry that needs the skills I have learned at my secular job or occupation?  

As a volunteer you will be matched with a person in need of the Gifts and Skills God has honed in you.  If you have gifts and practical skills combined with a heart to give, then you are a perfect fit for ACTS of Service.

How this works:

To get started click on the “Join the Acts of Service Team” button below. After you fill out the form, starting with personal contact information, you will identify the skills you have that you are willing to share with others. This information will be added to the ACTS database and a personal interview will be initiated.

When a need request is received, the ACTS Manager will search for the best volunteer available, (that may be you!!) in the database to meet this need.  You will be contacted, and information will be communicated to you about the need and a schedule coordinated with the person and your availability.  

After a plan of action is agreed upon, it will be set in motion.  An ACTS Advocate will be your contact person throughout the work process.  Work will be completed; you will be given a chance to give feedback to ACTS which will be used to improve Acts of Service.

Then we will All celebrate together, the person who had a need, the volunteer who met the need and the ACTS team. New friends will be made, our CCC fellowship will be stronger, and we as a family can lift up our voice and rejoice, How Great is our God!

Become an acts volunteer

Acts of Service Ministry Leader(s), Advocates and Volunteers Interaction Policy
In order to protect Clovis Christian Church, ACTS of Service care providers, and those receiving care; and to avoid conflicts, misunderstandings, and perception of improprieties, the following polices will be followed by ACTS of Service ministry Leaders, Advocates and Volunteers.
1. A male will not enter a single women’s home when she is alone.
2. A married couple (man and woman) may go into a women’s home when she is alone upon request or invitation.
3. A male may meet with a woman outside the home of the women.
4. A female will not enter a man’s home when he is alone.
5. A single, female may enter the home of a single women upon request or invitation.
6. A male may enter a man’s home when he is alone, upon request or invitation.