Apartment Complex Outreach

Sharing the love of Jesus with our community

About the ministry

Thank you for your heart to serve as we partner with this apartment complex here in our local community. As the body of Christ we are to be His hands and feet in the care for others. We are striving to provide weekly care boxes for the 60 units in this community. Each box will be filled with hygiene essentials and food (perishable & non-perishable). Your help is needed in prayer, donating items, monetary donations, packaging items in boxes, and delivery of items to the complex. Please Contact Laura Unruh with further questions/concerns (970) 980-1436

Here is how you can help:

Monetary Donations:

Electronic monetary donations can be made here:

Cash/Check donations can be:

Mailed: Clovis Christian Church 1701 Locan Ave Clovis, CA 93619
Dropped off at CCC: Monday-Friday 9am-11am
*Please write "Apartment Complex Outreach" on check memo or note with cash*

Grocery Shopping:

Sign up to shop for groceries (you will be reimbursed or given a gift card to use). Wednesday or Thursday to be dropped off at CCC Thursday by 5pm
Choose the date(s) you would like to serve. (Limited to 3 people per date)

May 13 or 14

May 20 or 21

May 27 or 28

Package care boxes:

Sign up to package the care boxes at CCC 5pm-8pm
Choose the date(s) you would like to serve. (limited to 4 people per date)

May 14

May 21

May 28

Deliver care boxes:

Sign up to deliver care boxes to our Partnered Apartment Complex 11:30am-2:00pm (limited to 3 people each day)

May 15

May 22

May 29

Items needed for donation:

Boxes (banana size)
Toilet Paper (rolls can be taken out of original packaging)
Canned Fruit
Canned Vegetables
Canned Meals (Ravoli, Chef Boyardee, Chili, etc)
Fruit Snacks
Peanut Butter

Anything that can be opened and eaten

Items can be dropped off at CCC Monday-Friday 9am-11am