Postponed but not Cancelled

November 17, 2012

Some of us needed another day to assess the situation in Israel before we decided whether to proceed on the trip. This is not a matter of faith but rather of comfort level. The Lord speaks to each person and I wanted to make sure each person made the decision for themselves.

Paul and Lupe left yesterday morning (Friday) from Fresno as scheduled. They agreed to wait in Philadelphia for the other team members to join them before going on to Tel Aviv. The flights to Tel Aviv are not full but the flights getting to Philadelphia from Fresno (through Phoenix) are full because of the holiday week we are approaching. So in order to be sure all of us who decided to go can make it to Tel Aviv this weekend, we split up. Lupe and Paul were anxious to go yesterday so we allowed them to go and spend at least 24 hours in Philly waiting for others.

Valerie and Geoff were more comfortable about going by last night so they got on a 6:15 am flight this morning. Taylor and Terri have elected to not go this trip. I support their decision 100%. Since the three of us were able to change our flights even though we were originally told the flights were full, this was taken as a door not shutting.

I wasn't able to get on the 6:15 am flight but am at the airport booked on the 9:50 am flight to Phoenix and then a flight to Philadelphia arriving an hour and a half before the flight is scheduled to go to Tel Aviv.

So if all goes as planned, we will arrive in Tel Aviv at 3:15 pm Sunday (their time). Sorry that we will not have a video to send from our Sunday am church service. Lupe and Paul really wanted to go ahead to be a part of the Children's ministry at the Bethlehem Church. But I could not in good conscious let them go ahead of the rest of us or even perhaps at all. More time was needed to make that call.

We hope to update you tomorrow after our arrival. I spoke with a personal Israel friend in Tel Aviv this morning and he is completely comfortable with us coming and has offered transportation, housing or anything we need. This is an affluent family man who I trust.

It was hard to hug Paul and Lupe goodbye yesterday and then Valerie and Geoff this morning. I felt like I was sending my children off. But I know they are walking in their faith.

PLEASE do keep us in regular prayer,