July 18, 2018
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The Mission Board has made it a goal for the current year to encourage our CCC community to learn to live through doing. What does that mean? Basically, the mission board desires for every person involved at CCC to have a mission mindset. How does that look? This can be accomplished either locally, by participating in Urban Plunge on July 28-29, or internationally, by going on a mission’s trip to Calacali, Ecuador from November 16 – 24, 2018. We are excited that God has called 15 people to participate in this mission trip which has become a family team.
Our team has started meeting together and preparing for our trip in November of 2018. The team has completed a bible study together on “Support Discovery” and have taken a skill set inventory. Initially, we have been working on building a team mission mindset and raising individual and corporate support.
As a church, one way you can partner with us in this process is to come to our Spaghetti Dinner at the church on August 4th at 5:30 pm, there will be both silent and live auctions through the evening. Tickets are $5/person with a $20/cap per family. This will be a fun family evening and an opportunity for you as a church to learn more about our team and the ministry we will be partnering with in Ecuador and help us raise our support for the trip.
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