February Prayers, and Funds Raised!

February 9, 2016

Last Friday, February 5th, a group of about 40 friends and family gathered around me for dessert, encouragement, and worship.

If you weren’t able to attend, do not worry! You see, by the time my fundraiser date arrived, our Gracious God already provided above my $7,000 minimum goal. This covers my expenses for being at Overland Mission’s base in Zambia, as well as the airfare to get there. For this reason, pressure for attending and giving was not necessary; the Lord provided, and we simply praised Him for all He is doing.

Time and time again, God has made it clear that He wants to use me on this mission, and He goes before me into Zambia. I shared my great excitement for how Advanced Missions Training will grow me. I also revealed more of the story behind why I’m going— as much as I’m excited, it’s still very far outside my comfort zone… and so it’s ultimately because of Jesus and His glory among the nations that I desire to journey forward.

I asked for prayer that I would keep my eyes on Jesus, ministering confidently through all trials as I’m rooted in His love. Some of my wisest, mightiest, dearest friends – Taylor Ewing, Caleb, Elisa, and Jerad – strengthened me with their words that I do have that relationship with Christ and will continue to bless others as I go.

I did still require donations for equipment (hiking gear and electronics), and in the abounding generosity of my partners, I was supplied with $441 toward those needs. Thank you so much, to all of you for your encouragement toward my mission in word and action! I’m grateful to say that I no longer need donations, between those funds raised and a high quality backpack, sleeping mat, and sleeping bag which were freely given to me. I know I have many brothers and sisters cheering me on and praying for the Lord to build His kingdom.

How can you continue to be my partner in prayer? Here are three things I ask:

Twalumba to you (Tonga for “thank you”), and praise our great God, my fellow workers!

Source: Taylor Lewis Zambia